In-Conversation with David Strike: Of Ghosts and Gear with Paul Strike


In-Conversation with David Strike: Of Ghosts and Gear with Paul Strike



Paul Strike [United Kingdom] Co Founder and Managing Director of innovative equipment manufacturer, Fourth Element.
A former speaker at the U.N.’s 2017 Ocean Conference, Paul is a passionate advocate for greater ocean protection and conservation, and has played a prominent role in the Global Ghost-net Gear initiative.


David Strike [Australia] ADEX Ambassador for Technical Diving, Pioneer & Fellow of The Explorers Club
A former Instructor Trainer and Certifier with a background in Military, Commercial, Recreational and Technical Diving, David has authored several hundred dive-related articles. The ADEX Ambassador for Technical Diving, Pioneer, he is a recipient of the ADEX Lifetime Achievement Award and a Fellow of The Explorers Club of New York.