In Conversation with David Strike The Art of Exploration with Vic Verlinden


In Conversation with David Strike
The Art of Exploration with Vic Verlinden


Vic Verlinden [Belgium]
Owner & Organiser of TekDive-Europe, Author, Professional Technical Diver, Underwater Explorer and Photographer, Co-Founder of “Wreck Dive Team”
Hailing from Belgium, Vic Verlinden began diving in 1975. Quickly embracing technical diving, he is an accomplished CCR diver who is equally at home exploring new cave passages or discovering deep wrecks of historical significance.
In 1993, Vic Verlinden discovered – and became the first person to explore – the wreck of the previously undiscovered East India trader, ‘Roompot’, a homeward-bound vessel that sank in the North Sea in 1853 and that had never before been dived. A gifted underwater photographer specialising in images of deep wrecks, his pictures and articles have appeared in diving publications around the world. The author of two books – one on Diving for gold and art treasures, and the other about diving on war wrecks – Vic Verlinden is also co-founder of the not-for-profit organisation, the “Wreck Dive Team” that organises and participates in various diving expeditions to photograph and film unique diving locations around the world.
He is also the owner and organiser of the Technical Diving event, ‘TekDive-Europe’ ( ) held every two years in Belgium.


David Strike [Australia]
ADEX Ambassador For Technical Diving, Pioneer & Fellow of The Explorers Club

With a background in military, commercial, recreational and technical diving, David Strike is a regular speaker and presenter at regional and international diving events. A former Field editor for Asian Diver Magazine who has authored several hundred articles about diving and organised several world-class technical diving events, he is the recipient of the ADEX ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’ for contributions to Technical Diving, and a Fellow of the Explorers Club of New York.