Exposed to the ocean since young, Chin is an avid scuba diver diving for 19 years. After 2 years massively volunteering with Trash Hero Borneo, now she set herself onto a bigger platform – Marine & Environmental Research, Education & Conservation Centre at Dinawan Island. As an influential Women Diver in North Borneo and conservationist, she wants to inspire more people raise awareness to protect the underwater world and educate the young generation. She quoted Ocean is not our Garbage Bin!
Conservation & Education
"Kalindava" (aka Anne K Adijuwono) is a one of a kind, multi talented artist from Indonesia who can not dive without her compact camera. Not only being a professional underwater photographer, she also models, mermaidings and paints her vision of her connection to the underwater world on big canvases and fashion items. She also built huge coral reefs gates from trashed styrofoam and plastic bottles to create awareness, as well as long ocean inspired trash art wall from plastic bags and snack packagings. She has been Adex Ocean Artist since 2015.