The TekDive Conference is one of ADEX’s biggest highlights. The conference focuses on the technical diving discipline. Get your fix on everything you want and need to know about technical diving!
Driven by curiosity about what might lie within the confines of a wreck or a cave, or what hitherto undiscovered life forms lurk in the deeper ocean trenches?
The TekDive Conference at ADEX Ocean Vision 2022 showcases some of the world’s most intriguing and technically challenging dives. As every year, the line-up of Tekdive speakers includes some of the most accomplished Tekdivers in Asia and around the globe!
A place where they can network, share their experiences and tap into knowledge from the veterans and experts. The various presentations, delivered by famous individuals such as David Strike, will include information on prime underwater environments, technical diving adventures and experiences, as well as new technologies.
Join the fun at Tek Talk and get the following (Worth up to S$133)
- 3 Days Multiple Entries for ADEX Ocean Vision 2022
- 2 Days Multiple Entries for TekDive Conference (Sat & Sun Entry)
- 3 x ADEX Bingo Game Ticket
- 1 x Official Diveaholic T-Shirt (Worth S$38)
- 10% Off on all ADEX Merchandise (On Site)
- Free Copy of History Book Vol2 Featuring Tek History (Worth $50)
- One Year Free E-Magazines Subscription to Asian Diver & ScubaDiver 6 Issues (Worth S$15)