Dive Activities in North Sulawesi


Dive Activities in North Sulawesi

Diving tourism in Indonesia, including in North Sulawesi was set to be one of the drivers of quality tourism. Quality Tourism is believed to be able to generate more foreign exchange income while keeping the environment sustainable. North Sulawesi has so much potentials to achieve that goal. This part of Coral Triangle offers so many choices of Dive Activities and Dive Locations ones can explore.
During this presentation, we will learn what North Sulawesi water has to offer and how the industry players in this area survived and thrived during the pandemic.


Andrea Bensi [Indonesia]

Managing Director, White Sandy Beach Resort Lembeh

Angelique Batuna [Indonesia]

Director, Murex Dive Resorts


Lolo Sianipar [Indonesia]

PR / Consultant Diver

Brought to you by
Wonderful Indonesia
Indonesia Care
The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy