Having learnt to dive in 1990, Sue became an instructor in 1993. As Editor of Scuba Diver Australasia, she spent 8 years writing, teaching, testing new equipment, travelling, immersing herself in the dive industry and discovering anything new and shiny, old or interesting.
When Scuba Diver went offshore, Sue became General Manager/Director of Tabata Australia, and took on the wholesale side of dive manufacturing. She was the first and only female to have held such a position in the Australian Dive Industry.
In 2006, Sue discovered the Our World Underwater Scholarship Society (OWUSS) and the newly formed OWUSS Australasian Rolex Scholarship, with Jayne Jenkins as VP. Sue, along with Tabata, became a major sponsor (as is Tabata today). After leaving Tabata, Sue became the Australasian Co-ordinator and continues to support this impressive organisation.
“It’s important to give back. To bring inspiration to others. To encourage and assist where possible those who have never been underwater to understand just how important the ocean is – on every level.”
During her career, Sue never missed an OZTek, the iconic technical diving conference created by Richard Taylor. Since its inception in 1999, Sue attended as a journalist, exhibitor, MC and then finally, as owner and convenor, after David Strike, who took over from Richard Taylor, retired in 2013.