Underwater Photography Tips & Tricks


Underwater Photography
Tips & Tricks

Mathieu Meur [Mauritius] Co-Author of “An Essential Guide to Digital Underwater Photography”

Mathieu has been capturing the beauty of the underwater world for over 30 years. A true pioneer, Mathieu was one of the early adopters and promoters of digital technology for underwater photography, authoring the first PADI digital underwater photography speciality course in the world in 2001. Mathieu went on to contribute regular columns on photography techniques to dive and photography publications.  In 2004, Mathieu co-authored “An Essential Guide to Digital Underwater Photography” with Michael Aw.  This was the first book entirely dedicated to the techniques associated with shooting digital underwater.  The book was met with an overwhelming response and was quickly sold out, requiring an updated version to be published in 2005.  Following the success of this introductory book, he went on to co-author “An Advanced Guide to Digital Underwater Photography” with Michael Aw in 2007.  Mathieu has also published a comprehensive and interactive e-book on underwater digital photography, “Complete Digital Underwater Photography”, in 2013 with a revised edition in 2020, and another titled “Everything on Underwater Photography” in 2014. Mathieu is a regular speaker at dive events, judge at underwater photography competitions, and coach at underwater photography workshops. Find out more at http://underwater.studio