APEC Report on Economic costs of Marine Debris to APEC Economies


APEC Report on Economic costs of Marine Debris to APEC Economies

In March 2020, Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) released the much-anticipated report on Ocean Debris.

The report: Update of 2009 APEC Report on the Economic Costs of Marine Debris to APEC Economies, provides a detailed and comprehensive look into the economic impacts associated with Ocean debris including plastics.

Professor Alistair Mcilgorm, lead author of the report will provide an overview of the key findings across the region including the tourism sector. Dr. McIlgrom will touch upon the case studies in the report, what is working and what more needs to be done.

Professor Alistair McIlgorm (Australia) – Professor & Lead Author of APEC Report, University of Wollongong, Australia

Bruce Dudley (Canada) – Senior Vice President, Globe Series