Article extracted from Asian Diver Issue 02/2020 (155)
Plastic waste generation per person
Daily plastic waste generation per person, measured in kilograms per person per day. This measures the overall per-capita plastic waste generation rate prior to waste management, recycling or incineration. It does not therefore directly indicate the risk of pollution to waterways or marine environments.
Global mismanaged plastic by region
Total mismanaged waste by populations within 50 kilometres of the coastline, and therefore defined as high risk of entering the oceans via inland waterways, wastewater outflows, and transport by wind or tides. While these data are from 2010, Jambeck et al. has projected the vast majority of mismanaged plastic waste in 2025 as coming from four countries: China (17.8 million tonnes), Indonesia (7.4 million tonnes), India (2.9 million tonnes), and the US (0.3 million tonnes).